Stuart Shanker and The Merit Centre – The Five Domains of Self-Regulation

Stuart Shanker and The Merit Centre – The Five Domains of Self-Regulation

The MEHRIT Centre (TMC) is an educational organization, established by Dr. Stuart Shanker in 2012 to work towards a vision of calm, alert children, youth and adults flourishing in physically and emotionally nurturing environments. Our mission is to ground learning and living in self-regulation. Decades of research have shown that self-regulation is the foundation of healthy human development; adaptive coping skills; positive parenting; learning; safe and caring schools; and vibrant communities. TMC works to translate this knowledge into practices that will benefit all children, parents, teachers and leaders in schools and communities.

My Life Rulz

My Life Rulz

My Life Rulz are 10 foundational mental rules* to build emotional resilience.

My Life Rulz builds a healthy mind and can be grasped by children of all ages, cultures and aptitudes. Using a variety of media presentations this is encapsulated common sense at its best; simple, comprehensive and profound and can be grasped in just minutes.

Mental Health Capacity Building Projects – Olds Area

Mental Health Capacity Building Projects – Olds Area

The Mental Health Capacity Building (MHCB) in Schools Initiative works to promote positive mental health in children, youth, families and support individuals in the community who interact with children and youth. The MHCB initiative is based on research and best practice literature that demonstrates that mental and emotional wellbeing can be developed, nurtured and supported through promotion and prevention efforts.