All school staff have a collective responsibility for all students and value the importance of building relationships.  Schools create a culture of acceptance and caring by providing various school wide activities, creating opportunities for multi-age groupings and generating core values and building common language.

A positive school culture can be created in many ways.  Some ideas are:

  • taking a team approach to working with students
  • school assemblies
  • staff PD
  • common language throughout the building 
  • staff need to make a commitment to cultural norms (buy in and a collective responsibility)
  • embedded in: staff meetings, collaborative days, classrooms, 
  • school wide events  (inclusive)
  • play music before and after school over the PA
  • comfortable and supportive physical spaces/ opportunities for physical movement (e.g. Don’t Walk in the Hallway, spin bikes, alternate seating, tower gardens)
  • positive messaging throughout school (bulletin boards, morning announcements, recognition of positive acts)
  • newsletter messaging around SEL
  • Parent PD
  • multi-age groupings (e.g. reading buddies)
  • mentorship between staff members/ mentorship of students
  • inclusive support groups (e.g. LGBTQ)
  • healthy nutrition options/  education