FSW – Family School Wellness

FSW – Family School Wellness

The Family School Wellness Program is an important part of our healthy Chinook’s Edge school community. We work to provide a variety of supports and resources to students and families throughout our school division. Our focus is on providing support to children and families facing social, emotional or family challenges. This may include parenting support, short-term student-focused individual or family support, small group sessions to build student skills, preventative programming within our schools, or referral for further services as required.

Family School Wellness Workers in Chinook’s Edge share strong connections with community partners and can assist families in finding information, resources or specialized services with community-based programs. A significant role for our Family School Wellness Program is to grow and maintain relationships between parents and schools, and community and schools.

Students can access our program directly with the Family Wellness Worker in their school, or be referred by family. Our program requires parental/guardian consent and your involvement matters! Our program is family-focused.

For more information about our free and confidential services, and to discuss how our Family School Wellness Program can support your child, please contact the Family School Wellness Worker in your child’s school.

At the heart of the Family School Wellness Program in Chinook’s Edge is a team of caring and helpful professionals from multi-disciplinary backgrounds in childhood development, social work, psychology, early childhood development, and other human service disciplines. Our team is skilled in supporting the social, emotional well-being of children and their families, and they know that strong relationships is key to success for students.

The Clinical Team Lead for the Family School Wellness Program in Chinook’s Edge is Amber Stonebridge, under the direction of Associate Superintendent of Student Services, Dr. Marcie Perdue.



“The Kimochis Educator’s Tool Kit is a universal, school-based, social emotional learning curriculum designed to give children the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to recognize and manage their emotions, demonstrate caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging situations constructively. These skills have been identified by leading researchers in the field of social and emotional learning as necessary for school success, academic achievement, positive social relationships and the development of emotional competence. The Kimochis social emotional learning curriculum incorporates innovative and fun activities developed to teach children how to manage challenging social situations with skill, character and confidence.”

You can use the Kimochis curriculum as a lesson-based option or embed the Kimochis philosophy into your everyday classroom routines.  The Kimochis school tool-kit is built for pre-K to grade 5, but recommended for the earlier grades Pre-K-grade 2.

There is a cost to this program.



Training required – will need a staff facilitator to be trained in the program. Cost involved (see below).

“The HEROES program was founded in memory of Jennifer Janz — bright, gifted and talented 16-year old young woman, who through a series of wrong choices ended up losing her life on the streets of Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1991. This very personal and painful experience became a catalyst for helping hundreds of thousands of youth avoid this same path, by empowering young people, families and communities, to develop the feelings, thoughts and actions of a hero; those who use their gifts & abilities to make a positive change in themselves and others.

Impact Society programs focus on celebrating every individual’s existing strengths, not their weaknesses or problems. With this strengths-based focus, we offer youth and their support networks the framework and vocabulary to have the important conversations and develop a key understanding that will create a safe, supportive environment.”



Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) is an education program that seeks to prevent use of controlled drugs, membership in gangs, and violent behavior.

There are a variety of programs available for each grade level.

There is a cost associated with each program.

Alberta Education: Wellness Resources

Alberta Education: Wellness Resources

The vision of wellness education in Alberta is for students to be educated, informed and contributing members of society and to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be well in every sense of the word—emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually. Wellness education incorporates the needs of all students.