CONNECT© is an evidence-based 10-week manualized group program for parents and alternate caregivers of pre-teens and teens who struggle with significant behaviour problems and mental health issues. Co-developed over the last 10 years by the Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre and Dr. Marlene Moretti of Simon Fraser University, the program focuses on the core components of secure attachment to promote children’s social, emotional and behavioural adjustment.

Rather than teach the A-B-C’s of parenting, CONNECT© helps caregivers understand basic attachment concepts which can then be applied across a broad range of situations and relational contexts. A strength-based approach to supporting families, CONNECT© is consistent with trauma informed practice and is offered by a variety of professionals in settings such as schools, community agencies and mental health offices.”

Many CESD Family School Wellness Workers are trained in CONNECT and facilitate the program in various areas.

CESD Contact:  Amber Stonebridge, FSW Clinical Team Lead