My Life Rulz

My Life Rulz

My Life Rulz are 10 foundational mental rules* to build emotional resilience.

My Life Rulz builds a healthy mind and can be grasped by children of all ages, cultures and aptitudes. Using a variety of media presentations this is encapsulated common sense at its best; simple, comprehensive and profound and can be grasped in just minutes.

Brain Gym

Brain Gym

Brain Gym is a series of quick, fun, and energizing activities.

We utilize the Brain Gym® educational model to:

  • promote play and the joy of learning
  • draw out and honor innate intelligence
  • build awareness regarding the value of movement in daily life
  • emphasize the ability to notice and respond to movement-based needs
  • encourage self-responsibility
  • leave each participant appreciated and valued
  • empower each participant to better take charge of his own learning
  • encourage creativity and self expression
  • inspire an appreciation of music, physical education and the fine arts
Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice in schools is a philosophy, set of principles and practices that help adults and young people in schools to both understand and respond to conflict.

A Restorative Circle is a community process for supporting those in conflict. It brings together the three parties to a conflict – those who have acted, those directly impacted and the wider community – within an intentional systemic context, to dialogue as equals.

For more information, refer to Martin Brokenleg’s book Reclaiming Youth at Risk

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

Resources for Filling Buckets

The concept of filling another’s bucket is a social-emotional metaphor. Our Student Services team have identified the following resources as being valuable for classrooms employing this concept.


This heartwarming book encourages positive behavior by using the concept of an invisible bucket to show children how easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation, and love by “filling buckets.”